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The journal Facies presents papers dealing with the interpretation of ancient and modern biotopes and carbonate depositional environments by means of facies analysis in its broadest sense. Once the central part of research in hydrocarbon exploration, facies analysis integrates modern and ancient biogeological processes of a changing earth. Special emphasis is placed on paleobiology, paleoecology, basin evolution, carbonate sedimentology including diagenesis and geochemistry, as well as studies emphasizing the impact of life on earth history. Studies on fossil and modern reef systems are especially welcome.

3 Carbonate Sedimentary Rocks Further Readings Adams, A. E., and W. S. MacKenzie A color atlas of carbonate sediments and rocks under the microscope. New York: John Wiley and Sons. Bathurst, R. G. C Carbonate sediments and their diagenesis. 2nd ed.: Amsterdam: Elsevier. Demicco, R. V., and L. A. Hardie Sedimentary structures and early diagenetic features of shallow marine carbonate deposits. SEPM Atlas Series No. 1. Tulsa, OK: Society for Sedimentary Geology. Grotzinger, J. P., and N. P. James (eds.) Carbonate sedimentation and diagenesis in the evolving Precambrian world. SEPM Special Publication No. 67, Tulsa, OK: Society for Sedimentary Geology. James, N. P., and J. A. D. Clarke (eds.) Cool-water carbonates. SEPM Special Publication 56. Tulsa, OK: Society for Sedimentary Geology. Montañez, I. P., J. M. Gregg, and K. L. Shelton (eds.) Basinwide diagenetic patterns: Integrated petrologic, geochemical, and hydrologic considerations. SEPM Special Publication No. 57. Tulsa, OK: Society for Sedimentary Geology. Morse, J. W., and F. T. Mackenzie Geochemistry of sedimentary carbonates. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Purser, B., M. Tucker, and D. Zenger (eds.) Dolomites: A volume in honor of Dolomieu. International Association of Sedimentologists Special Publication No. 21. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications. Scholle, P. A., and D. S. Ulmer-Scholle A color guide to the petrography of carbonate rocks: Grains, textures, porosity, diagenesis. AAPG Memoir 77. Tulsa, OK: American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Stanley, S. M., and L. A. Hardie Hypercalcification: Paleontology links plate tectonics and geochemistry to sedimentology. GSA Today 9:1 7. Tucker, M. E., and V. P. Wright Carbonate sedimentology. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications. References Cited Adams, A. E., and W. S. MacKenzie. 1998, A color atlas of carbonate sediments and rocks under the microscope. New York: John Wiley and Sons. Arvidson, R.S., F. T. Mackenzie, and M. Guidry Ocean atmosphere history and carbonate precipitation rates: A solution to the dolomite problem. in Glen, C.R., L. Prévôt-Lucas, and J. Lucas (eds.) Marine authigenesis: From global to microbial. SEPM Spec. Pub Badiozamani, K The Dorag dolomitization model-application to the Middle Ordovician of Wisconsin. Jour. Sed. Petrology 43: Baker, P. A., and M. Kastner Constraints on the formation of sedimentary dolomite. Science 213: Bathurst, R. G. C Carbonate sediments and their diagenesis. 2nd ed. Developments in sedimentology 12. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Bernasconi, S. M Geochemical and microbial controls on dolomite formation in anoxic environments: A case study from the Middle Triassic (Ticino, Switzerland). Contributions to sedimentology 19 Stuttgart: Schweizerbart sche Verlagsbuchhandlung. Berner, R. A The role of magnesium in crystal growth of aragonite from sea water. Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta 39: Berner, R. A., et al Inhibition of aragonite precipitation from supersaturated seawater: A laboratory and field study. Am. Jour. Sci 278: Boggs, S., Jr Petrology of sedimentary rocks. 2nd ed.: Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Camoin, G. F. (ed.) Microbial mediation of carbonate diagenesis. Sed. Geology vol. 126 (special issue). Camoin, G. and A. Arnaud-Vanneau, (convenors) International workshop on microbial mediation in carbonate diagenesis 97. Abstract Book. International Association of Sedimentologists. Carballo, J. D., L. S. Land, and D. E. Miser Holocene dolomitization of supratidal sediments by active tidal pumping, Sugarloaf Key, Florida. Jour. Sed. Petrology 57: Castainer, S., G. Le Métayer-Levrel, and J-P. Perthuisot Limestone genesis considered from the microbiologists point of view,\. in Camoin, G. and A. Arnaud-Vanneau, (convenors). International workshop on microbial mediation in carbonate diagenesis 97. Abstract Book. International Association of Sedimentologists Castainer, S., G. Le Métayer-Levrel, and J-P. Perthuisot Ca-carbonates precipitation and limestone genesis the microbiogeologists point of view. Sedimentary Geology 126:9 23. Chafetz, H. S Bacterially induced precipitation of calcium carbonate and lithification of microbial mats. in Krumbein, W. E., D. M. Paterson, and L. J. Stal (eds.). Biostabilization of sediments. Oldenburg: Bibliotheks und Informations system der Carl von Ossietzky Universitat Oldenburg Chafetz, H. S Marine peloids: A product of bacterially induced precipitation of calcite. Jour. Sed. Petrology 56: Degens, E.T Chemistry of sediments. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Demicco, R. V., and L. A. Hardie Sedimentary structures and early diagenetic features of shallow marine carbonate deposits. SEPM Atlas Series No. 1. Tulsa, OK: Society for Sedimentary Geology. Dunham, R. J Classification of carbonate rocks according to depositional textures. in Ham, W. E. (ed.). Classification of carbonate rocks. Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Mem Embry, A. F., and J. E. Klovan Absolute water depth limits of late Devonian paleoecological zones. Geol. Rundschau. 61: Farrow, G. E., N. H. Allen, and E. B. Akpan Bioclastic carbonate sedimentation on a high-latitude, tide-dominated shelf: Northeast Orkney Islands, Scotland. Jour. Sedimentary Petrology 54: Folk, R. L Practical petrographic classification of limestones. Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull. 43: , Spectral subdivision of limestone types. in Ham, W.E. (ed.). Classification of carbonate rocks. Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Mem. 1/ Some aspects of recrystallization in ancient limestones. in Pray, L.C., and R.C. Murray (eds.). Dolomitization and limestone diagenesis. Soc. Econ. Paleontologists and Mineralogists Spec. Pub and L. S. Land Mg/Ca ratio and salinity: Two controls over crystallization of dolomite. Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull. 59: Gains, A.M Dolomitization kinetics: Recent experimental studies. in Zenger, D. H., J. B. Dunham, and R.L. Ethington (eds.). Concepts and models of dolomitization. Soc. Econ. Paleontologists and Mineralogists Spec. Pub Garven, G., and R. A. Freeze Theoretical analysis of the role of groundwater flow in the genesis of stratabound ore deposits. Am. Jour. Science 284:

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5 Carbonate Sedimentary Rocks Scholle, P. A., and D. S. Ulmer-Scholle A color guide to the petrography of carbonate rocks: grains, textures, porosity, diagenesis. AAPG Memoir 77. Tulsa, OK: American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Shinn E.A., C.W. Holmes, and M. Marot Short-lived isotopes and the investigation of microbially precipitated calcium carbonate: A new approach to the whiting problem. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting. Abstract with programs 32 (7):279., and D. M. Robbin Mechanical and chemical compaction in fine-grained shallow-water limestones. Jour. Sed. Petrology 53: , R. P. Steinen, B. H. Lidz, and P. K. Swart Whitings, a sedimentologic dilemma. Jour. Sed. Petrology 59: Sibley, D. F., and J. M. Gregg Classification of dolomite rock textures. Jour. Sed. Petrology 57: Stanley, S. M., and L. A. Hardie Hypercalcification: Paleontology links plate tectonics and geochemistry to sedimentology. GSA Today 9:1 7. Stockman, K. W., R. N. Ginsburg, and E. A. Shinn The production of lime mud by algae in south Florida. Jour. Sed. Petrology 37: Tucker, M. E., and V. P. Wright Carbonate sedimentology. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Pub. Tucker, M. E Carbonate diagenesis and sequence stratigraphy. Sedimentary Reviews 1: Usdowski, E Synthesis of dolomite and geochemical implications. in Purser, B., M. Tucker, and D. Zenger (eds.). Dolomites: A volume in honor of Dolomieu. International Assocation of Sedimentologists. Special Publication No. 21. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Pub van Lith, Y., et al Microbial fossilization in carbonate sediments: a result of the bacterial surface involvement in dolomite precipitation. Sedimentology 50: Vasconcelos, C., and J. A. McKenzie Microbial mediation as a possible mechanism for natural dolomite formation at low temperature. Nature 377: Vasconcelos, C., and J. A. McKenzie Microbial mediation of modern dolomite precipitation and diagenesis under anoxic conditions (Lagoa Vermelha, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil). Jour. Sedimentary Research 67: Warren, J Dolomite: Occurrence, evolution, and economically important associations: Earth Sciences Reviews 52:1 81. Warthmann, Y. van Lith, et al Bacterially induced dolomite precipitation in anoxic culture experiments. Geology 28: Whitaker, F. F., and P. L. Smart Active circulation of saline ground water in carbonate platforms: Evidence from the Great Bahama Bank. Geology 18: Wilkinson, B. H., R. M. Owen, and A. R. Carroll Submarine hydrothermal weathering, global eustasy and carbonate polymorphism in Phanerozoic marine oolites. Jour. Sedimentary Petrology 55: Wright, V. P A revised classification of limestones. Sed. Geol. 76: Wright, D. T Benthic microbial communities and dolomite formation in marine and lacustrine environments a new dolomite model. in Glen, C.R., L. Prévôt-Lucas, and J. Lucas (eds.). Marine authigenesis: from global to microbial. SEPM Spec. Pub Yates, D. K., and L..L. Robbins Microbial lime-mud production and its relation to climate change. in Gearhard, L. C., W. E. Harrison, and B. M. Hanson (eds.). Geological perspectives of global climate change. AAPG Studies in Geology 47: Zenger, D. H., F. G. Bourrouilh-Le Jan, and A. V. Carozzi Dolomieu and the first description of dolomite. in Purser, B., M. Tucker, and D. Zenger (eds.). Dolomites: A volume in honor of Dolomieu. Internat. Assoc. Sedimentologists. Spec. Pub. 21, Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Pub Zuffa, G. G Hybred arenites: Their composition and classification. Jour. Sed. Petrology 50: 2ff7e9595c

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